Artist is Gustave Dore 1832-1883, France

The Prophet Ezekiel.

Jesus told a story of a man who went to hell, and begged Abraham in heaven to warn his brothers. But Abraham said they already had the testimony of the prophets so if that wasn't good enough for them, then nothing else would make a difference either.

In other words... the proof that God offers to unbelievers is the testimony of those who know their God personally. God puts that much value on, and confidence in, the faith of those who trust Him!

The Word of the Old Testament Prophets came true, just as predicted, and against all odds. Jesus was born in a lowly place, lived a miraculous life, died a horrible death, and defied the grave by rising from the dead. There is no other gospel like that of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Artist is Gustave Dore 1832-1883, France